Comments from KevinR

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KevinR commented about AMC Academy 8 on May 18, 2018 at 5:31 am

Interesting to see these pictures of the theater. I worked there from June 1987 to January 1988 as an usher. It was the absolute best job I’ve ever had. While I was working there, we never referred to the theater as the AMC Academy 14 though. The 6 called themselves Academy 6 and we at the 8, called ourselves the Academy 8. There was very little interaction between the two theaters.

JodarMovieFan, the Academy 6 theater did open in the early 70’s. On its opening day, they had a free viewing of “Rio Lobo” (Johy Wayne), and my mother let me and my brothers go to it. I was probably 4 at the time, so that would be 1973. Possibly 1974, but I really think 1973.

I saw Star Wars in the Academy 6, probably 15 times, during the summer of 1977. Great memories in both the 6 and the 8.