Comments from kevyzim

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kevyzim commented about Morris Performing Arts Center on Jul 12, 2012 at 7:38 am

I have many fond memories of seeing a lot of ‘up and coming’ rock bands play at the Morris Civic Auditorium (as it was called then) in the early 70’s, including Kiss, Blue Oyster Cult, Bloodrock, Black Oak Arkansas, Alice Cooper, Foghat and Van Halen. I have not been inside since the recent renovations, but I am glad to see that South Bend has had the reverence for this grand old theater and that it is still being used for performances today.

kevyzim commented about River Park Theater on Jul 11, 2012 at 1:55 pm

I am so happy to read of the “repourposing” of this fine little neighborhood theater. I too was born in 1957 and remember Mr. Vogel, though I only knew him from his reputation and not personally. I remember kids matinees during the summer in the 60’s (I vividly remember seeing The Magic Sword and loving the dragon!).

My favorite memory of the RP was when they would show ALL the Beatle films back to back. I remember taking a date and now that I look back on it, it was over 6 hours that we were there with the 4 films!

After the heartbreak of hearing of the Tivoli being torn down to make way for a CVS, I am delighted to read of the reverence being shown this fine old theater. Even though the architechure is not as cool as the Tivoli or State or Granada, this place holds many childhood memories for me and I am very happy to see the pictures and other’s memories shared here!

kevyzim commented about Colfax Theatre on Jul 11, 2012 at 12:49 pm

I grew up in Mishawaka/South Bend. I remember seeing “Earthquake” at the Colfax in 1974, probably shortly before it was closed for good. The movie was in “Sensurround” which meant that there were bass reflex speakers on the stage pounding out vibrating waves of sound which also loosened some plaster in the old theater’s ceiling! I remember thinking ‘Wow this is really realistic – I feel like the building is coming down!’

Though not quite the showplace that the Granada or State theaters were, I do remember the lobby of the Colfax as being quite cozy. I would love to see more pictures from the heyday if anyone has any.

kevyzim commented about Cinema Art on Jul 11, 2012 at 8:39 am

I grew up watching sci-fi/horror movies (especially Roger Corman’s Poe series) at the Tivoli with my Dad on Sunday afternoons. Most times it was a double feature! My favorite memory is of convincing my Dad to take me to see 3 Poe movies (Pit and the Pendulum, Tales of Terror and Premature Burial, as I recall). My Dad would fall asleep in the cool air-conditioning, so he didn’t mind! I made it through the first 2 but when the opening scene of Premature Burial started with the gravedigger whistling, I had to wake him up and tell him I wanted to go home!

Since I was born in 1957, and these movies were made in 1961-62 (and probably didn’t get to the Tivoli until I was at least 7 or 8) I know for sure that the theater did not close in 1958, but continued showing family movies until the mid-60’s at least.

kevyzim commented about Avon Theatre on Jul 8, 2009 at 4:15 am

Does anyone have any updates about the fate of this theatre. I remember it as a kid growing up in South Bend in the 60’s as being that place that my parents would hurry by for fear I would ask what the movies they were showing were. I seem to have a vague memory of one of them being “I am Curious (Yellow).” Would love to hear any updates!