Comments from marciaterry2002

Showing 2 comments

marciaterry2002 commented about Sugg Theatre on Sep 12, 2011 at 1:12 pm

I found a photo of the same building on face book by creative stidios here in chickasha. The small building behind the petroleum building that is shown on this page is the knox car sales.

marciaterry2002 commented about Sugg Theatre on Sep 12, 2011 at 12:13 pm

I studied much of the history of chickasha while conducting research for my senior seminar class at USAO. I believe the suggs theater was built by a man named suggs who also built the what is now called the petroleum building. It was original a bank before it housed the offices for the petroleum building. That is more then likely the building you are seeing in front of the suggs theater. The theater burned down and was relocated to the site of the washita theater. I beliee the building that has the mc donalsd sign was rebuilt after the theater burned. The oper a house was located catycorner from the petroleum building and has recently been renovated. This is what I have understood the history of the theater to have been