Comments from MikeP429

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MikeP429 commented about Kings Plaza 6 Theaters on Mar 1, 2012 at 2:08 pm

Yes, it is a Best Buy now, but that’s probably for the best. It started out as a twin theater. I remember seeing “Earthquake” in SurroundSound there, and being 6 or 7 and seeing “Midway” there too. (Not sure if that movie’s really appropriate for a 6/7 year old.) I, too, remember lines going down to Macy’s for movies like the Superman and Rocky movies.

I remember going to see “The Right Stuff” there. By that time I think they made it a quad. The only seats left were in the very front. I watched a 3 hour movie with my neck reaching up…my neck hurts just thinking about that! My friends and I used to buy candy and soda in the newsstand that was downstairs and smuggle them in so we wouldn’t have to pay for food there. Saw my first R-rated film there (“Sudden Impact”) Asked some old man to buy tickets for us…score!

Saw many movies there (or at least made the attempt to see them) on dates throughout high school and college. Last movie I saw there was “Gremlins 2” in 1990. By that time, the place was really bad and dirty and Sheepshead Bay was still new and seemed so much nicer. Nuff said.

MikeP429 commented about Brook Theatre on Mar 1, 2012 at 1:57 pm

Loved loved loved this theater…very sad to see what happened to it but it was inevitable. Huge place…and I remember the smoking section(!) Went to St Thomas Aquinas in the 70s and 80s. They used to show movies on Wednesday afternoons because we had half-days. Saw The Empire Strikes Back there…4 times!!

MikeP429 commented about Kingsway Theatre on Mar 1, 2012 at 1:53 pm

Just stumbled across this site…awesome!! Saw many movies here during the 80s…Ghostbusters, Elm Street, Superman II and III. The best memory I have is standing outside the theater for 3 hours the day Return of the Jedi premiered…thankfully a nice, sunny, warm day in May of 1983. We stood outside debating if Han would be rescued from Jabba the Hutt, who this “other” Jedi was and whether or not Darth Vader really was Luke’s father. Although Jedi is now thought of the weakest of the original trilogy, I remember my friends and I walking out of there feeling great…we got all our questions answered!!