Comments from pkazee

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pkazee commented about Proctor's Theatre on Dec 26, 2008 at 11:47 pm

BTW, while live performances are what we do most of at Proctors, we do now have two movie screens. One on which we primarily project 2nd Run Hollywood fare in the 35mm format, and another on which we project all of the following:
70mm iWerks films (incl. 3D)
Foreign & Indy films, as well as European professional opera and ballet performances in the VC-1 digital format

pkazee commented about Proctor's Theatre on Dec 26, 2008 at 11:21 pm

I am a Proctors House Manager. Proctors is now a thriving arts center spanning three buildings, containing 3 professional theatres, a small bar, a busy education center, 2 gift shops, an art gallery, a district heating plant, several commercial/community rental spaces, and more. There was a desire, of course, to fold everything under the umbrella of the F.F. Proctor name, but since only 1 of the 3 buildings had any association with Mr. Proctor, it seemed misleading/improper to attach the possessive form of the Proctor name to the new spaces. As such, a decision was made to drop the apostrophe and dub the complex PROCTORS, naming the individual theatre’s MAINSTAGE AT PROCTORS, GE THEATER AT PROCTORS and 440 UPSTAIRS AT PROCTORS. That said, the historic marquees were rightfully deemed sacred, and thus, any original apostrophes remain in place.

pkazee commented about The growing scarcity of quality 35 mm prints for classic film screenings on Nov 11, 2008 at 9:56 am

35mm is ideal, but digital & dvd are godsends for those in markets outside the largest cities. Until recently, we had just one 2nd Run cinema, and though we did well with 2nd Run blockbusters and higher-profile arthouse fare, we could not afford to present more esoteric indy fare (and we could not even THINK about importing films that lack a U.S. distributor). Recently, however, we opened a 425-seat theatre, enabling us to screen both digitally (via “Emerging Pictures”) and from DVD. This has allowed us to screen a much wider range of films without losing our shirts. It has also allowed us to present genre fests like our recent 24 Hour SciFi Fest and Midnight-To-Dawn Halloween Horror Fest. Next on the agenda… Midnight Motocycle Mahem!

pkazee commented about Proctor's Theatre on Nov 16, 2003 at 9:23 am

Theatre is in process of formally changing name to PROCTORS (without the apostrophe), rather than PROCTOR’S. Perhaps you could make the theatre searchable via both spellings?