Comments from POMOVIE2

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POMOVIE2 commented about Syosset Theatre on Nov 20, 2011 at 10:07 am

Rivoli, the theater opened with Hello, Dolly in 1969.

POMOVIE2 commented about Syosset Theatre on Nov 20, 2011 at 10:06 am

I can’t seem to find the Encore site.

POMOVIE2 commented about Syosset Theatre on Nov 19, 2011 at 10:49 pm

The Encore Theater? Oh my goodness. What a dump. I think I saw one double feature there of THE THING and CAT PEOPLE.

POMOVIE2 commented about Syosset Triplex on Aug 19, 2011 at 11:49 am

Hi Bloop Alien played there in a 70mm exclusive engagement. Animal House also opened there exclusively.

POMOVIE2 commented about Syosset Theatre on Nov 15, 2010 at 5:28 am


Regarding your earlier post of a waste of 70mm on SGT PEPPER at the 150. Want to take a guess what was running exclusively across the street at the Syosset the same week to packed houses? NATIONAL LAMPOON’S ANIMAL HOUSE. In glorious 1.85 and Mono.

POMOVIE2 commented about Syosset Theatre on Nov 15, 2010 at 5:14 am

I ran the UA Cinema 150 from January ‘89 to May '89. Prior to that, I used to be a film geek that loved going to that theater no matter what played. I knew Bob T for years when he was a manager there and I was an usher at another theater. Bob T was the kind of manager I always aspired to be. When he was moved to the Sunrise Mall, his gifts were completely wasted at that hellhole of a theater. He put care and love into everything he played there. And you just do not see that in theater managers anymore. Especially those working in the big chains. It’s a dying breed. I remember him introducing me to John Landis at the SPIES LIKE US test screening and Landis spent several minutes grilling me about what I liked and disliked about the film. Sure enough, many of his cuts in the final release were from negative comments I had discussed with him. I would remember Bob getting elated over being able to play LITTLE SHOP OF HORRORS there for a one night “hush-hush” sneak preview. I think it was one of the last times that they ran an ad in the paper for the film without telling the audience what they were seeing. Or a sneak preview of THE LAST STARFIGHTER in 70mm playing with… wait for it… THE POPE OF GREENWICH VILLAGE. Another Bob T touch, and this was a beauty… After UA showed the Will Rogers “Beg For Money” trailers, Bob would turn up the houselights and while the cans went around, he would play a popular music video in 35mm on the big screen. I remember at least 2 Bowies, DANCING IN THE STREETS & UNDERGROUND from Labyrinth. Theater is missed but if we don’t care more, managers like Bob T will be too.

POMOVIE2 commented about Sayville Theater on Oct 4, 2008 at 6:49 pm

SBS is new and actually just started soliciting for new clients. I can be reached at if anyone would like a chat. A website is currently being developed.

POMOVIE2 commented about Sayville Theater on Sep 18, 2008 at 10:16 am

As someone who follows box office carefully, I can safely say, the grosses the last few years at Patchogue were horrible.

POMOVIE2 commented about Sayville Theater on Sep 16, 2008 at 6:29 pm

Lesser Theaters never renovated Sayville. The theater was renovated by previous ownership. Lesser Theater Service was strictly the film buyers. SBS is Shadow Booking Service. They took over the film buying for Sayville on 5/1/2007 after ownership felt they needed to make a change. Sayville was the first client of SBS. I know of this because I am a part of SBS. And yes it’s true, Patchogue closing really did help this theater come alive again. But current ownership has also made a greater effort to widen the spectrum of the types of films brought in to appeal to all different audiences. Where the theater used to mostly play childrens films and older audience pictures, current ownership has opened it up to comedies and horror films that appeal to the high school and college crowd. Let’s face facts. That’s the audience that keeps theaters in business. Unfortunately, you don’t make the money at the box office. It’s all made at the concession stand.

POMOVIE2 commented about Long Island Theater To Bring Back 70mm on Apr 6, 2006 at 5:23 pm


When I lived out there I always said that I wanted to take one of those single Mann Theaters in Westwood and do with it what the New Beverly Cinemas does only with a classier environment. A friend of mine explored the possibility of purchasing a while back the Mann Plaza in Westwood only to be spurned and then turned away to do the same thing with the Loews Astor Plaza in Manhattan and again be spurned on that purchase. I truly believe a revivial house specializing in stuff like 70mm, 3D, Sensurround etc done right in a big city would thrive. When I tell you these films do not cost much to lease each week, Im not lying. Ive done my homework on this. The problem has been finding the right theater & the financing.