Comments from Sunnytiff

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Sunnytiff commented about Whittier Village Cinemas on Oct 26, 2008 at 12:25 pm

I grew up in Whittier attending the Wardman Theater for matinees of such movies as “It Came From Beneath The Sea” and “The Blob” (I loved Sci-fi flicks!.) It was a wonderful little theater, and since I moved back to Uptown Whittier 10 years ago, I can walk two blocks to see most first-run movies whenever I want. But about a month ago, the last vestiges of the original interior finally disappeared——the original concession stand (with its popcorn maker). Now, when you enter the lobby, you are faced with more of those obscene video games where the old concession stand (and staircase to the balcony)used to be. And they call this “progress”.