Parkwood Auto Movies

31260 Oat Valley Road,
Cloverdale, CA 95425

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kennerado on March 30, 2020 at 8:34 am

The ramps and projection building or foundation of it lasted until 2017/18 when the entire lots soil had been regraded for agricultural use.

MichaelKilgore on October 26, 2019 at 11:48 pm

The site was sufficiently intact (or the map folks were sufficiently slow to notice) that the drive-in was still included in a 1968 topo map. Its screen was just south of Oak Valley Creek. Its long driveway, projection building and traces of the ramps (but not the screen) were still visible in a 1983 aerial photo.

To better reflect that the Parkwood was at the northwest corner of Oat Valley Road and Cooley Lane, a better address for its entrance is 31260 Oat Valley Road.