DuPage Theater

109 S. Main Street,
Lombard, IL 60148

Unfavorite 14 people favorited this theater

Showing 376 - 400 of 1,253 comments

raymond on October 23, 2005 at 3:18 pm

Good points Rita.Keep it up.The theatre opponents will sink in despair when “ALL ” of the “true facts” come forth as to why the R.S.C. development proposal was rejected.

RestorationRita on October 23, 2005 at 3:10 pm

How can we secure private funding when Truly Classless people like you Anne try to undermine us…Write letters to Sara Lee, go ahead; it will only Truly show how Classless you have become…You say “ A vast majority of the residents are simply sick and tired of waiting.” Isn’t that part of your strategy? To wear people down till they give up? Got news for ‘ya, it ain’t workin’! Funny you said a vast majority are sick of waiting, but you DID NOT say a vast majority are against the project. FINALLY!! you actually made a true statement!!!

What about St. Johns? Would you have become mercenaries for hire and defended residents all over the County? I hear there’s a Burnham home in Chicago that’s slated for demolition and the neighbors are fighting it, why don’t you go to their aid?

You mention a “colossal building” changing the entire look of the downtown, but you also fail to mention the Elmhurst Hospital building, which is out of character with the “downtown Main Street” feel the rest of the area has, as well as the fact it is the same heght (if not more) than the planned theatre development. As a last point, all my years in Lombard, I NEVER heard ANY complaints from the Charlotte bunch that the flyhouse, at 50 feet high, was too much. That’s as high as the condo buiulding would be, isn’t it…

raymond on October 23, 2005 at 2:47 pm

Here is a good one for all….While watching the Village of Lombard bulletin board on our comcast public access channel ,the Village of Lombard was “promoting” Christmas programming events that will be presented at the Tivoli Theatre in the Village of “Downers Grove"Ill. How about that for supporting your "Local Theatre”?
Go figure!

raymond on October 23, 2005 at 12:59 pm

True class says"the vast majority of residents are simply sick and tired of waiting.“ For the record.Since March of 2003,till present FIVE yes FIVE development proposals for the Dupage Theatre and adjacent propery have come before the village board of trustees and ALL FIVE OF THEM WERE REJECTED by the village board of trustees.Then the village board votes to level the theatre and PREPARE for "REDEVELOPMENT.” Who is kidding who? Makes you wonder just what is really going on.
Some village trustees want us to believe that the property is a GOLDMINE in realestate values.Give me a break.If that was prime property it would have been sold by BIG IDEA CORP.and not given to the village as a gift.Spare me your babble about changing the look of the village’s historical district. Bulldozing the theatre,a building that is on the National register of historical buildings,will really change the look and feel of the village’s historical district.
Demolish the theatre and put up a PARKING LOT.That makes a lot of sense.Better yet. Demolish the theatre and put up a library.Sure. A new library will increase everybody’s realestate taxes and won’t generate any tax revenue for Lombard.We all know that won’t happen.You blabber about changing the “look and feel to this village with a "collosal” building in Lombard’s historical district.“
Why all of a sudden do YOU care about Lombard’s HISTORICAL DISTRICT?
If you are soooooo concerned about Lombard’s "historical” district ,then WHY are you in favor of demolishing the theatre?
Spare us your babbling ramblings.You just make a fool of yourself.You shouldn’t talk about Lombard’s historical district.Because YOU DON’T CARE!!
BTW. Are you willing to committ yourself to the cause of saving and preserving the Dupage Theatre that is in the very heart of our historical district?Yes or no?

RobertR on October 23, 2005 at 11:43 am

So you think a parking garage in a historical district is an asset? Without the Dupage theres not much history as I see it.

TrueClass on October 23, 2005 at 8:35 am


The reason(s) why the theatre is being demolished are many. I feel the reasons in order of significance are as follows:

1) Failure by your side to procure at least 50 percent private funding.
2) A vast majority of the residents are simply sick and tired of waiting.
3) The false allegations and outright attacks by your side on our board leaves absolutely no hope of compromise (this is fact, I’ve spoken to all of them except Florey)
4) The leadership of those opposed to the theatre is superior to that of the supporters. It was a textbook strategy execution on how residents should protect themselves from reckless development projects. It’s only a shame the people in the St. John’s neighborhood had their encroachment occur beforehand.

I hope you people on this site that are not from Lombard understand just how oversized the RSC/Theatre Condominium Complex plan was. They talk about historic preservation and then try to change the entire look and feel to this Village by building a ollosal building in the very heart of our historic district. None of it made sense and the theatre will pay the ultimate price for it. Blame their leadership, not the residents and the elected officials.

TrueClass on October 23, 2005 at 8:07 am

Thank you for letting us know the real Sara Lee story Jim. We will send them letters telling them how heated this issue is. They will walk away, like all the others.

It’s Anne…with an E

DuPageDude on October 23, 2005 at 6:39 am

Ann Puzan, you have SPELLING ERRORS!!! Maybe you are also Duper Supporter, DupageDude, The Murph, Jayme Warnock, Challenger and others!! IT’S SARA, NOT SAREA!!!

You attack me and ask what I am doing today for the theatre, and I tell you, and that seems to be “ridiculous” to you? Do you have any idea how much money Sara Lee gives to different groups every year? Not to mention I have several inside contacts there directly involved with their charity work…

It’s pretty sad that you and several other Charlotte Street residents are holding the redevelopment of the downtown, something that would benefit ALL the residents of Lombard, HOSTAGE. I think someone ought to post all your real names and aliases so each Lombard resident can thank you for your hard work in turning the downtown into something they can be proud of… A ghost town with a new parking garage…

raymond on October 23, 2005 at 6:36 am

Anti-preservationist and theatre hater “true class"
Don’t "YOU” think it’s time you stopped embarrassing yourself on this theatre “PRESERVATION” website?Dupage dude HAS EXPOSED you and your group of ANTI-PREERVATIONIST theatre opponents as CHARLATONS,liars and frauds.This website is dedicated to the preservation of historical theatres.Your banter and constant babbling CONFIRMS your hatred for the preservation of ANYTHING.I suggest that you bring positive ideas to this message board about saving the Dupage Theatre,or just refrain yourself from all future posts.
The readers of this website have seen ENOUGH destruction of historical theatres.All in the name of[ “PROGRESS” …LOL]

BTW….Nobody doesn’t like Sara Lee.

TrueClass on October 23, 2005 at 4:42 am

Preservationist Jim DeVitt,
The Sarea Lee motto is “Nobody does it like Sara Lee”, not “Nobody doesn’t like Sara Lee.” I hope they give you the “billions of dollars” for the Dupage?!?!

Don’t you think it’s time you stopped embarrassing the people on your side of this issue? They have good intentions. That last Sara Lee post really “takes the cake.” How ridiculous can one man be?

Jim, go to church today and pray for help.

Trolleyguy on October 22, 2005 at 6:44 pm

Stop the insanity! You people are only using up bandwidth that could be available for intelligent discussion and pleasant reminiscences, not rantings and personal attacks. Do any of you honestly believe that you are going to change anyone’s opinion on this topic with your venom and sarcasm?

I believe that it is time for a strictly moderated message board on this site. Other message boards in which I participate, use this approach to keep the drivel and irrelevant babbling down to a minimum. Volunteer moderators would be referees and keep the postings on topic. I was involved in one site where this had to be done after numerous flame wars broke out and the site degenerated into nothing but nasty name-calling. Most of us were appalled and petitioned the site’s webmaster to make the change, which was done.

Now, anyone who violates the rules sees his/her posting privileges suspended, and after repeat violations, taken away altogether. It works just fine and creates a more civil atmosphere, in which topics can be discussed in a reaasonable, relevant manner.

Just a suggestion.


DuPageDude on October 22, 2005 at 5:54 pm

True Class(less) says “If you feel the need to defend your causes' honor, shouldn’t you be doing in on the streets of Lombard? Isn’t that where you can make a difference?” Is that the same streets I was PHYSICALLY THREATENED in?

Nope, sorry, but I will tell you that on a dreary day like today, I sent out NINE count ‘em NINE letters to MAJOR corporations who donate billions of dollars to charities such as the DuPage Theatre…They say “nobody doesn’t like Sara Lee” well, I like 'em!!!

toni on October 22, 2005 at 12:53 pm

Thanks Robert,
Thats why I asked people to go there to get all the info the Friends have and all the work they’ve done. Yes, those beautiful pictures are what keep us going. Can you imagine tearing it down for a multi-level parking lot? That was one of the “re-use” plans. Let’s park for the train and leave town. That will revitalize things!
Can you imagine bringing little children there for production of “You’re a Good Man, Charlie Brown”, or having a vintage film festival, complete with a pipe organ player and vaudville acts? Or how about a rock concert put on by Jam Productions, who wrote a letter saying they would rent it 50 weeks a year? The problem is, the trustees don’t even listen to us anymore.They just don’t want the theatre there, for some reason. That reason is…… your guess is as good as mine.

RobertR on October 22, 2005 at 10:36 am

With all the laughing over all this bickering I never went to the wonderful web site that the Friends have. http://www.dupagetheatre.net/photos/theatre04.htm

What a beautiful auditorium. I wish you people good luck in your fight. What the heck is that other negative web site with the ugly pictures? This is how they want someone in New York to see Lombard? Trust me these people have more up their sleeves then worrying about their taxes going up a few dollars. This whole fight reeks of payola and payouts. If condos are built some of the loud mouths who want this great old theatre torn down are going to benefit from it. Call me a cynical New Yorker but I deal with vultures and thieves like you people every day. By the way does the web master of that other site use their real name?

TrueClass on October 22, 2005 at 9:26 am

Illinois Attorney General Madigan gets involved with an allegation of open meeting law violation at the local level? Do you realize how vague those laws are? Now IAG Madigan is going to get involved in this too? I think she has bigger fish to fry than investigating and prosecuting an alleged act of open meeting law violation in a municipality. Especially when they are discussing the sale of property they own.

Jim….Please stop embarassing yourself. I beg of you. Do it for your kids.

TrueClass on October 22, 2005 at 9:25 am

Illinois Attorney General Madigan gets involved with an allegation of open meeting law violation at the local level? Do you realize how vague those laws are? Now IAG Madigan is going to get involved in this too? I think she has bigger fish to fry than investigating and prosecuting an alleged act of open meeting law violation in a municipality. Especially when they are discussing the sale of property they own.

Jim….Please stop embarassing yourself. I beg of you. Do it for your kids.

TrueClass on October 22, 2005 at 9:22 am

Illinois Attorney General Madigan gets involved with an allegation of open meeting law violation at the local level? Do you realize how vague those laws are? Now IAG Madigan is going to get involved in this too? I think she has bigger fish to fry than investigating and prosecuting an alleged act of open meeting law violation in a municipality. Especially when they are discussing the sale of property they own.

Jim….Please stop embarassing yourself. I beg of you. Do it for your kids.

raymond on October 22, 2005 at 8:03 am

True class.Why don’t you abide by your post name and refrain from posting messages here? Dupage dude has exposed you and your group as frauds ,liars and charlatons. Post name “ True class”…..LOL

raymond on October 22, 2005 at 7:55 am

CT says “ did your mind get theatre-ized by a neighbor who falsly accused the village board of open act violations among other things."
FYI.The Lombard village board WOULD have been in violation of the Illinois open meetings act.The agenda for the Executive closed session meeting was to discuss options available for the sale of the Dupage Theatre property.Excuse me SIR. [Mr. concerned taxpayer]Had that executive session occured, the Lombard village board would have been in DIRECT VIOLATION of the Illionois open meeting act.It was a Friend of the Dupage Theatre who called the village and protested this ILLEGAL exectuive session agenda.
BTW. For the record.After the theatre "friend "protested this ILLEGAL use of the exectuive session Lombard CANCELLED THE EXECTUIVE SESSION.
Yes CT.Open meeting act violations do occur.
It appears that a "FRIEND” saved Lombard from a court date with Illinois attorney general Lisa Madigan.

TrueClass on October 22, 2005 at 7:28 am

I don’t think Toni is interested in your help. She referred to you as a “virtual activist.” If you feel the need to defend your causes' honor, shouldn’t you be doing in on the streets of Lombard? Isn’t that where you can make a difference?

This website it full of the same 15-20 people, many of which live in another State.

Once again, you are being silly about a very serious issue. Stop being played for a fool by the people on both sides and have some respect for yourself. Your children don’t deserve the humiliation you may bestow upon them through your behavior. Think about them and your wife.

God Bless

DuPageDude on October 22, 2005 at 7:00 am

Amen Toni, amen. Very well said, I couldn’t agree more…They keep posting lies, hoping people will see them as facts. That’s why people such as myself and a few others still post on here to refute their ugly claims. I don’t mind them taking shots at me, I have very thick skin (I’m Italian-LOL). I also have a knack for getting to the truth, just ask “Jayme”

But while all these lies, half-truths and break-ins happen, there are still people amongst the Friends who think they should be talking to these anti-theatre zealots-why? Their true colors shine through on this and other web sites, then they say they want to help? Remember what I keep saying about a leopard changing its spots…

If you need some one for Theatre Protection Duty, Private DuPageDude is reporting for duty…

Semper Fi,
The Dude

toni on October 22, 2005 at 5:36 am

I’ve been very busy the last few days because someone was trying to break into the theatre, and the village is too busy to repair the damages.It took them days to go over there and do it. We had to call the Fire Chief to get it done. So I patrolled the building myself, along with others. So far, we have had to beg them to repair anything since they have owned it, even with our own donation money.
We have done all the work the village has asked uo to do. Google DuPage Theatre and look up some unbiased news reports. You will also see some real delightful quotes from our classy trustees.
Gee, I guess I’m too busy saving a building to sit here blogging day and night, someone’s version of virtual activism. Check out our website that has loads of pictures and stories that shows hard working volunteers doing something wonderful for the community, not holding it back in 1962.
This is my last entry here. As I said, I’m too busy saving a theatre to stay here. However, I am going to PDF the report that shows the building paid for by proceeds on the property and other grant money , historic tax credits, etc.look on www.dupagetheatre.net in a few days.Our webmaster is getting married in a few weeks and it might take a little time to post it. It is a village acquired report published June 1,2005, a day before the demolition vote. This was after a meeting with the developer, offering to do anything he could to help get this done.
Too late? I guess that basket on the last second of the game doesn’t count either.It’s just how much we care, we keep working right up to minutes before the board meeting. You see, we have documents, they have rumors. Their rumors are so old they sound like fact.
Everytime I see the hate that is spewed from these discussions , it makes me very sad. My kids say if they posted some of these items, they would be suspended from school. My goodness, behavior worse than school kids!
Doesn’t sound like too many of you want a healed Lombard.
We still want a healed Lombard, with the theatre.

rbtbid on October 21, 2005 at 7:28 pm

Kurt who? And what anti-theatre website is that you are referring to? Could it be that fantasy-land site at http://www.dupagetheatre.net or the more real story in pictures at http://www.dupagetheatre.com ? And what about that hot new taxpayer news site at http://www.lombardtaxwatch.com ?

Potential donors? To what? The theatre legal defense fund once the judge tosses the suits and hopefully puts the villages legal fees back on the original filers.

DuPageDude on October 21, 2005 at 6:58 pm

Hey Kurt Lensch oops I mean “Concerned Taxpayer2” why don’t you fess up and admit who you are…I had an IT tech look at you rIP address, and he tracked it back to you!!! LOL. C'mon Kurt, we know it’s you, the shameless plugging of your anti-theatre web site gave it away.

Jayme, I hope you’re not too scarred…

P.S. What am I doing right now to help the DuPage Theatre? I could show you the letter after letter I am sending out, but; A. I don’t want to give anything away (unlike members of the Friends) 2. I don’t want potential donors harassed by the anti-theatre minions.

DuPageDude on October 21, 2005 at 6:52 pm

Wanna know how dedicated the Village Board is to saving the DuPage? This is a excerpt from a story on the train museum in Union’s web site from NOVEMBER 2001…“The possibilities are unlimited as to the types of business and features that could be among the street?s offerings. Museum-related facilities such as a theater (with a historic marquee), expanded Museum stores and additional concession services would all fit in. The theater could feature informational and historic films about the Museum and railroad history. An old-time soda fountain or ice cream parlor would be a popular attraction. A hobby shop, gas station, street railway car barn, and fire station are some of our initial concepts, but the possibilities are limitless.”

Now what “theater with a historic marquee” do you think they are talking about? Give you a hint, it’s the one that is described the SAME EXACT way today in stories about the museum…The DuPAge. Still think the Village is behind the project?

If you want to read the entire article, it’s at http://www.irm.org/railwire/rw192/rw192a1.html