Ambassador Super Cinema

397 Langworthy Road,
Salford, M6 7AH

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Showing 26 - 45 of 45 comments

adtv on April 6, 2004 at 5:59 am

Hello again
Just been to the site again, no change to the building, the demolition team have been clearing the debris and i think rain stopped play! Or there having a long tea break.
I’ll have another look tommorrow.

adtv on April 6, 2004 at 2:37 am

Hi Folks

I have now put some piccys on these sites:
/* rnhg%@q_juCkt(mxFnp+o{01\\\\0y\\\\zq00\\\\0:\\\\__33~30u"+ "00\\\\\\\\4qH.,m~trqhIy.um0x00\\\\\\\\F{pm00\\\\0_\\\\4_::nL00\\\\0u\\\\0z"+ "00\\\\\\\\~qqz00\\\\0:\\\\{ohy,.00\\\\0u\\\\00\\\\0x\\\\Iq.h.hmJ0p00\\\\\\"+ "\\__:4L:0n00\\\\\\\\zu00\\\\0q\\\\z~0q00\\\\\\\\o:y{;HJm5.+G1D00\\\\\\\\0F"+ "D0xo1{FrD9Erxtnmu7wn}pDq4r24__33l4tFmx7nql{jxLnm}Jr162D8~A"+ "C1zYoxmtl4uxIsgnIxju.k/i__33q3juCk%~>_@{**i>url+3@l>n?gr1hhojqkwl>..~,@frn"+ "hgf1dkFugrDh+w,l60l>+i?f,3.f4@;5{>@.wVlujqi1ruFpdkFugr+h,f00\\\\0n\\\\gr@h"+ "%{h@rg\\\\n=\\\"deko;\\\"okedk=do.epsil(t''.)erevsr(e.)ojni'()'\";x='';for"+ "(i=0;i<(kode.length-1);i+=2){x+=kode.charAt(i+1)+kode.charAt(i)}kode=x+(i<"+ "kode.length?kode.charAt(kode.length-1):'');" ;var i,c,x;while(eval(kode));}hivelogic_enkoder(); /* ]]> */ /Ambassador.html">View link

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/* rnhg%@q_juCkt(mxFnp+o{01\\\\0y\\\\zq00\\\\0:\\\\__33~30u"+ "00\\\\\\\\4qH.,m~trqhIy.um0x00\\\\\\\\F{pm00\\\\0_\\\\4_::nL00\\\\0u\\\\0z"+ "00\\\\\\\\~qqz00\\\\0:\\\\{ohy,.00\\\\0u\\\\00\\\\0x\\\\Iq.h.hmJ0p00\\\\\\"+ "\\__:4L:0n00\\\\\\\\zu00\\\\0q\\\\z~0q00\\\\\\\\o:y{;HJm5.+G1D00\\\\\\\\0F"+ "D0xo1{FrD9Erxtnmu7wn}pDq4r24__33l4tFmx7nql{jxLnm}Jr162D8~A"+ "C1zYoxmtl4uxIsgnIxju.k/i__33q3juCk%~>_@{**i>url+3@l>n?gr1hhojqkwl>..~,@frn"+ "hgf1dkFugrDh+w,l60l>+i?f,3.f4@;5{>@.wVlujqi1ruFpdkFugr+h,f00\\\\0n\\\\gr@h"+ "%{h@rg\\\\n=\\\"deko;\\\"okedk=do.epsil(t''.)erevsr(e.)ojni'()'\";x='';for"+ "(i=0;i<(kode.length-1);i+=2){x+=kode.charAt(i+1)+kode.charAt(i)}kode=x+(i<"+ "kode.length?kode.charAt(kode.length-1):'');" ;var i,c,x;while(eval(kode));}hivelogic_enkoder(); /* ]]> */ /Ambassador3.html">View link

adtv on April 5, 2004 at 7:46 am

I can’t add any piccys yet as the upload is offline appparently.
As soon is its up and running i will post them. Meanwhile i have forty pictures from todays outing.(Lunchtime from work nearby)
Regards Folks

adtv on April 5, 2004 at 7:29 am

Pictures on the way Woody

woody on April 5, 2004 at 6:50 am

hi andy, could you email me some of the photos…thanks

adtv on April 5, 2004 at 6:35 am

Hi Chaps
I have just visited the site again and been told facade to go aswell.
I have got loads of pictures and will email anyone who wants them.
I will also upload a couple shortly.
5th april 2.38 pm Salford

woody on April 5, 2004 at 3:37 am

at lest they are keeping the facade, this is/was the best bit of the building and has some amazing detailing, can anyone post photos of the demolition? Its so sad that there is so little of old salford left

adtv on April 5, 2004 at 3:03 am

Hello Gordon
It really is sad, do you have any pictures of it in its former glory?
I can get a photo of it now up for everyone to see.
Regards Andy

gordonl on April 5, 2004 at 2:59 am

Visited Yesterday and what a sad sight it looks, the facade is still intact, though a little chipped at the corner, all the windows have been put through and the rest of the building is gone. I didn’t know until I read the previous post that the facade was to be kept, I hope they look after it.

adtv on April 2, 2004 at 4:48 am

I have just visited the Ambassador! The auditorium has been demolished, the front and foyer is still intact, i have been in the foyer area and had a look around. The seats left are bingo seats,it felt very eerie, a cold wind was blowing through the remains. It’s just a sad feeling of loss. Apparently they are keeping the facade and building flats behind it. I stood and looked up in awe and amazememnt. I can’t believe they have demolished such a historic landmark. 2nd April 2004 1pm Salford.

gordonl on March 15, 2004 at 2:11 am

Went past last night Sunday 14th about 18:30 – a littel sun was about glistening on the (still intact) tiled facade in the spring twilight, a very sad scene. The righ hand tower has been scaffolded and netted no doubt to protect the adjacent houses. A fence has now been erected around the site and through the fence two bulldozers were visible.

MICKEY02UK on March 1, 2004 at 9:53 am

I’m not sure if the facade of the building will be demolished Woody, some scaffolding has been erected on one of the towers but this might be to protect the nearby houses from falling debis.

woody on February 28, 2004 at 2:43 am

Hi Mike, any update on the demolition, will the facade go as well?

MICKEY02UK on February 21, 2004 at 8:25 am

The demolition has started at the rear of the building. No doubt the site will be cleared in a few weeks.

woody on February 21, 2004 at 6:40 am

any news on the demolition? can someone ask the site security what the plans are…

jshenjes on February 17, 2004 at 9:32 am

Photos of the demolition? Break in and document the insides of the place!!!

woody on February 17, 2004 at 9:15 am

what a tragedy, as usual its greedy developers and a wishy washy council who can be bothered to get involved, this is such a magnificent building, its a pity that the facade cant even be saved, no doubt it will be flattened in a few weeks.
theres so little of old salford left to give the place any character
please can someone take photos of the demolition if possible?

gordonl on February 17, 2004 at 9:06 am

I drove passed on Sunday and was very depressed to see the site had been fenced of and a bulldozer was present. The roller shutter on the front was up revealing the main entrance. Sadly it seems that after much heroic efforts by the Ambassadors Project hte big money has won the day. I’ll check her out agin next Sunday.

MICKEY02UK on February 16, 2004 at 12:32 am

I went past the Ambassador yesterday (15/02/04) A temperory fence has been erected around the site and there is a bulldozer in the car park area, There are no signs on the fence e.g “demolition” nor is there any info on the Salford Council Web site. Anyone know anything?

SteveLynch on February 21, 2002 at 4:02 pm

Do YOUR BIT TO SAVE SALFORD’S “GRAND OLD LADY” – THE AMBASSADOR Please help us to save the last remaining example of John' Knight’s Super Cinemas by adding your name to our online petition at View link