National Theatre

10925 Lindbrook Drive,
Los Angeles, CA 90024

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Damon Packard
Damon Packard on June 12, 2007 at 10:26 pm

Last Crusade was the weaker entry in my opinion, Temple of Doom is far better. I’ve had this discussion many times before, come on Last Crusade was just not very good. The tank sequence was great, other than that it really lacked. I don’t undersatnd why so many think it’s better than Temple! I’m just hoping the next one will be an improvement.

markinthedark on June 12, 2007 at 9:43 pm

Saw John Cusack on the red carpet at the National?

kalyssto on June 12, 2007 at 9:18 pm

I just saw John Cusack on the red carpet there tonight. It was for his new movie 1408 :)

AlanSanborn on June 12, 2007 at 9:12 pm

Wow! All this activity today and not once person mentioning that Raiders of the Lost Ark opened at the National 26 years ago today!

I was there for the first two shows and then returned regularly over the next several weeks. Ah, how well I remember the anticipation: a new movie directed by Steven Spielberg, produced by George Lucas, starring Harrison Ford, with a score by John Williams and special effects by Industrial Light and Magic! It was like a dream come true! And, boy, did it live up to it’s potential!

From that huge boulder rolling down to the map shots tracking their progress to the succession of cliff hangers leading up to the greatest truck chase of all time(!) and then, of course, the awesome supernatural special effects of the finale! Truly a great film!

And, while I still believe that Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom was exactly the WRONG direction to take the series (in effect making it hardly a SERIES at all), that was a heck of a lot of fun too. Last Crusade was much more a step in the overall right direction but I’m REALLY curious to see where they’ll take the next one! Indy as an aging adventurer in the 1950’s or 60’s? Bring it on!

Of course, I heartily support the idea of a return to the great Midnight movies of old! Where’s Carl when you need him?

Best wishes,

Alan Sanborn

JoelWeide on June 12, 2007 at 8:49 pm

Excellant suggestion!

meheuck on June 12, 2007 at 8:05 pm

As fun as it would be to see classic movies at the National, it does butt up against the nearby Landmark Nuart and their longstanding Friday midnight movie series. Thus, the National should do something more unique if they want to have midnight shows, such as

a) only run 70MM prints. That’s something the Nuart definitely can’t do;

b) add midnight shows to their regular features. I was shocked and amazed that when the National opened HOSTEL PART II that they did not schedule either an advance Thursday 12:01 show or have weekend midnights. That would have seemed a no-brainer.

c) find a new movie that could easily become a cult film, plug it in at midnight, stick with it for a few weeks or months, and let people find it. After all, classics like PINK FLAMINGOS and ERASERHEAD took years to build an audience. There’s gotta be plenty of weird, crazy new movies that could benefit from a residency at a great theatre like the National. And that would be the thing to get attention for the place…“Hey, what’s that movie that only shows at the National at midnight?”

All of those things would be original enough to offer something different. Otherwise, to just do the same ol' midnight movies that Nuart is doing would ultimately dilute an already finite audience.

JoelWeide on June 12, 2007 at 7:43 pm

Thats the 40 million dollar question, where are the prints? When I was in the old national film serivce depot in downtown Kansas City, Missouri many many years back, they had several 70mm prints in storage. It has been so long ago that I could not tell you the titles, but they had been there a very long time, and someone, somewhere was paying storage on them. Probally were not useable, largely because of the way they were being kept in the depot, but none the less they were there, and as stated above, where they are now, God only knows.

Damon Packard
Damon Packard on June 12, 2007 at 7:19 pm

The Pod People, Teen Wolf Too and Cool as Ice???! I know for certain there are 70mm prints of Krull, Castle Keep and Days of Heaven laying around since the Cinematheque had uncovered them but weren’t interested in showing them. The Apple has screened at the egyptian & aero several times and looks great, MGM struck a new print for the DVD. How about Earthquake and Battlestar Galactica: the movie in Sensurround!! I would give my left arm to see all three Battlestar Galactica movie’s in a theatre (few know there were two sequels released theatrically overseas, edited together from various episodes with bits of added footage) There was also a Space 1999 theatrical movie, sigh, were are those prints now god only knows

mistertopps on June 12, 2007 at 4:36 pm

…especially YOR.

markinthedark on June 12, 2007 at 4:36 pm

Hopefully the management can save the National from the wrecking ball. Seems like a theatre needs to be at least from the 1930’s to be registered as a historic place. Perhaps I will perch myself high atop the National roof sign when the day comes and refuse to leave.

JoelWeide on June 12, 2007 at 4:32 pm

I’m amazed!!! No one wants to watch Linda Blair spit pea soup on a preist in glorious 70MM! We’ve got to have the EXORCIST again. However we need to remind ourselves, before we get to far carried away, that this is not our theatre to book, but hopefully the management will
understand that there are patrons who will be greatful for the opportunity to see these great film works as they should be projected once again.

markinthedark on June 12, 2007 at 3:54 pm

The Abyss
Apocalypse Now
Days of Heaven
and oh heck…. Star Trek I, V, VI
The Sound of Music
West Side Story

JoelWeide on June 12, 2007 at 3:32 pm

The list goes on:

and of course…..FANTASIA

markinthedark on June 12, 2007 at 3:31 pm

King Solomon’s Mines (1985)
Richard Chamberlain and Sharon Stone up on that giant screen. And the effects!

mistertopps on June 12, 2007 at 3:24 pm

oh… and how could I forget the Swayze classic Red Dawn…

JoelWeide on June 12, 2007 at 3:18 pm

If my memory serves me correctly, wasn’t THE BLUE MAX in 70, wonder if any prints are still useable? Also THE FRENCH CONNECTION as well might be good.

mistertopps on June 12, 2007 at 3:17 pm

The Apple!!!! (I would give my left arm to see this at the National)
Troll 2
Over the Top
Cloak and Dagger
Cool as Ice
House of the Dead
Teen Wolf Too
They Live
Jaws 3-D
Pod People
Schindler’s List

…all of these in 150mm please.

markinthedark on June 12, 2007 at 3:06 pm

Since the National trying to get midnight shows going again, perhaps we should start making requests. I’ll start with the obvious (in 70mm if and when possible):

The Indiana Jones Trilogy
Star Trek II, III, IV
Star Wars IV, V, VI (the untampered originals please)
The Hunt for Red October
Lawrence of Arabia
Die Hard

Damon Packard
Damon Packard on June 12, 2007 at 3:02 pm

somebody get ahold of Doug Trumball and tell him to bring his Showscan Projector back!!

mistertopps on June 12, 2007 at 2:58 pm

screw 70mm, how about 150mm? they should develop new filmmaking technologies just for this occasion. should i start a petition? August 19th 2008 will be the 25th anniversary of YOR— that gives us just over a year to turn this dream into a reality.

Damon Packard
Damon Packard on June 12, 2007 at 2:55 pm

I sure hope some midnight shows happen again! Or any kind of revival engagements. Are they really considering it? Well Indiana Jones IV is shooting right now but it ain’t going to the National next year, quick somebody get the word to Spielberg. Ah forget it he doesn’t care

markinthedark on June 12, 2007 at 2:46 pm

Perhaps Columbia Pictures will strike a 70mm print of Yor just for the occasion. Oh! to heart the title track “Yor! He’s a man! Yor! He’s a man!” in glorious 6-Track magnetic stereo for the first time…

One can only dream. Sends chills up the spine.

mistertopps on June 12, 2007 at 2:41 pm

oh that’s awesome to hear.

if you bring back midnight shows… i think all of us would agree that YOR would be a superb choice.

“Help me cut the choice meats.”

osmarie on June 12, 2007 at 2:31 pm

The phone number should be 310-824-1188.
Also, we are trying to bring back the midnight shows, hopefully in the next couple weeks.