Comments from evmovieguy

Showing 76 - 100 of 153 comments

evmovieguy commented about Loew's Jersey Theatre on Jan 24, 2006 at 2:14 am

I’ve never seen ‘Bye-Bye Birdie’ but it sounds like one of those films that although it may not be that great a movie,it has alot of camp value or may be famous for a particular scene or set design, etc. Elvis movies are alot like that. I haven’t seen every Elvis film, but I have seen alot of them and I can’t say I ever walked away from one and said ‘damn..what an amazing film!’. Elvis movies are fun to watch for one reason only…Elvis. Some Elvis films like ‘The Trouble With Girls’ are barely worth sitting through, and even for all of the mythical hype that’s been attached to ‘Viva Las Vegas’ it’s hardly a very memorable film. I actually saw ‘Viva Las Vegas’ years ago at The Biograph on 57th St. and I can’t say I remember much of it. Elvis films do have great production value and of course there is usually at least one hit single performed in it. A fave is when Elvis does ‘Bossa Nova Baby’ in “Fun in Alcapulco”. He sings, dances, AND plays the organ. No wonder he’s the frickin' king!!!

evmovieguy commented about Loew's Jersey Theatre on Jan 24, 2006 at 12:56 am

Don’t get me wrong, I think the staff at the Loews Jersey does amazing job, and I feel wierd criticizing such a great place, but I have to say that February’s line up has me scratchin my head a little. I agree with Vicent that maybe the Loews Jersey should stick to programming films that are roughly of the movie palace era, I guess that means choosing films that date up until the early 1980s(?). ‘Best In Show’ does seem an odd choice. I can’t say that I’m ready to run out to see ‘Old Yeller’ or ‘The Misfits’ either. I’ve seen parts of both and it seems strange that these two films, even though they’re classics, would be chosen for an ‘animal rescue’ film fest. They’re not what I would consider very uplifting. But once again..who am I to complain? I’m just glad the Loews Jersey exists the way it does. Not every film they program is going to please everybody.

evmovieguy commented about Loew's Jersey Theatre on Jan 22, 2006 at 12:51 pm

Don’t be so quick to be the voice of gloom and doom. You’re freakin me out. The part of Jersey City where the Loews Jersey is isn’t that bad. In fact it’s not that bad at all, I can think of worse places. The crowds at the shows that I’ve been to have been pretty good. But isn’t that place landmarked or something so they can’t tear it down? Whatever the case is, whether they are just holding the next schedule or they’re dealing with repairs or whatever, I wish someone would post it on their website or here on Cinema Treasures so we can sleep better at night.

evmovieguy commented about Loew's Jersey Theatre on Jan 21, 2006 at 11:20 pm

What is the deal with the new Lowes Jersey schedule?? Does anybody have any information on this? I’m beginning to get a little concerned. Are they in trouble or something? It’s been over a month since there last show. They usually have something on the schedule by now. Anybody? Anybody?

evmovieguy commented about Beekman Theatre on Jan 12, 2006 at 6:08 pm

Wait a minute. You mean somebody named Frank Devlin DIDN’T sign the Declaration of Independence? No wonder I failed history.

evmovieguy commented about Beekman Theatre on Jan 12, 2006 at 5:53 pm

That’s really cool astrocks. You were probably working there the first time I went to Radio City in 1973 to see the Christmas Show. I remember they showed the animated Disney’s ‘Robin Hood’ before the actual live show started. They don’t so that anymore.

evmovieguy commented about Beekman Theatre on Jan 12, 2006 at 5:40 pm

Astrocks-Are they closing the Loew’s on 42 St.??

Wow that must have been great managing Radio City 35 years ago.

evmovieguy commented about Beekman Theatre on Jan 12, 2006 at 4:47 pm

Mikeoaklandpark-2nd Avenue Deli closed literally out of nowhere last week. Their new landlord wanted to up their rent approx. $10,000 per month. Aside from feeling ripped-off, I think they were just plain insulted. They started taking the signs down this past Tuesday. Shame.

davebazooka-You are SO on the money with your comment. I’m not a native New Yorker, but have lived here 20 years. It’s interesting to hear you say that the ‘reinvention’ of New York started in the 70s. Let me tell you…it was a slow process that seems to have only excelerated over the last 5-10 years. In regard to all of the changes that are happening here, I find myself often in conversation with my friends about how things used to be cooler and edgier in New York City and we all agree that we probably got to see the last good chunk of the ‘Sin City’ that New York was known as. Dark, fun, scary, interesting, historical. A place that challenged not only physically but intellectually. That’s no revisionist history, that’s just a plain fact. I wanted to be in New York City because it was waaaay different from the monotony of the suburbs I grew up in, now it’s becoming everything I wanted to get away from.

Now that I am nearing 40 years old, what frustrates me the most is how the youth that are moving into this town now have absolutely no…well…BALLS for lack of a better term. I always saw New York as a place for experimentation by young people. Art, music, poetry, theater, and fortunately or unfortunately, sex and drugs. Now?…forget it, the only place you see a large congregation of kids is at Starbucks. That seems to be the new ‘hang-out’ for the youth of today. Good luck! No flavor, no curiosity, no nothing. A total generation of Paris Hiltons and Ryan Seacrests. Disgusting!!!!!

evmovieguy commented about Beekman Theatre on Jan 11, 2006 at 7:44 pm

Sad to see that. I was by there last night while riding the bus downtown. It was dark so I couldn’t see much. But since we’re on the subject here’s a short list of places vital to the landscape of New York City that we have lost in addition to the Beekman in the past year and some that will be gone by this time next year.

Howard Johnson’s Times Square (in business since 1959) GONE
2nd Avenue Deli (also in business for roughly 50 years) GONE
The Variety Theater (early 1900s?) GONE
The Sutton Theater (1950s) GONE

…and this time next year: legendary rock club CBGB. GONE

The current…ahem..political climate, IMHO shares the blame for this genericization of New York City and it’s disgusting. In the last 10 years New York City has lost ALOT of it’s character. I’m running out of reasons to continue to pay high rent and deal with the shortcomings of living here.

evmovieguy commented about Beekman Theatre on Jan 11, 2006 at 7:43 pm

Sad to see that. I was by there last night while riding the bus downtown. It was dark so I couldn’t see much. But since we’re on the subject here’s a short list of places vital to the landscape of New York City that we have lost in addition to the Beekman in the past year and some that will be gone by this time next year.

Howard Johnson’s Times Square (in business since 1959) GONE
2nd Avenue Deli (also in business for roughly 50 years) GONE
The Variety Theater (early 1900s?) GONE
The Sutton Theater (1950s) GONE

…and soon to be a memory by this time next year: legendary rock club CBGB.

The current…ahem..political climate, IMHO shares the blame for this genericization of New York City and it’s disgusting. In the last 10 years New York City has lost ALOT of it’s character. I’m running out of reasons to continue to pay high rent and deal with the shortcomings of living here.

evmovieguy commented about Beekman Theatre on Jan 11, 2006 at 7:27 pm

Sad to see that. I was by there last night while riding the bus downtown. It was dark so I couldn’t see much. But since we’re on the subject here’s a short list of places vital to the landscape of New York City that we have lost in addition to the Beekman in the past year and some that will be gone by this time next year.

Howard Johnson’s Times Square (in business since 1959) GONE
2nd Avenue Deli (also in business for roughly 50 years) GONE
The Variety Theater (early 1900s?) GONE
The Sutton Theater (1950s) GONE

…and soon to be a memory by this time next year: legendary rock club CBGB.

The current…ahem..political climate, IMHO shares the blame for this genericization of New York City and it’s disgusting. In the last 10 years New York City has lost ALOT of it’s character. I’m running out of reasons to continue to pay high rent and deal with the shortcomings of this town. The life is getting sucked outta here.

evmovieguy commented about ABC News: No Happy Ending in 2005 For Hollywood on Jan 1, 2006 at 11:09 pm

In the words of Marcus Loew “I don’t sell tickets to movies, I sell tickets to theaters”. AMC and Loews, UA, etc. can do as much stadium seating and cafe building they want in some of their theaters, to me it just doesn’t matter. Turning the theater into a mall instead of having a theater AT a mall isn’t the answer. As soon as they learn that people like to LOOK at things the better off they’ll be and maybe attendance will go up. They should know by now that it’s not only the movie that is an escapist activity, it should also be going to the theater itself. Every time I go to the Loews Jersey and look around I always ask myself why it is that that type of effort doesn’t go into the environments of new theaters. Cost effectiveness and lack of imagination come to mind. But that’s exactly it…lack of imagination. How many re-makes were there churned out by Hollywood this year? “Dukes of Hazzard”, “The Producers”, “Fun with Dick & Jane”, “Bewitched”, “King Kong” just to name a few. No wonder attendance is down. It’s absurd how much imagination Hollywood lacks these days! They have nothing new to offer, and have had nothing new to offer for a few years now.

Revenue is low? Hollywood is huddling and biting it’s nails as the ship goes down? Oh well…they had it coming and all I can say in response is BURN, BABY, BURN!

evmovieguy commented about Paris Theatre on Sep 7, 2005 at 1:31 am

Well…as predicted, at least to myself, the Saturday Midnight film series at The Paris has been discontinued. I called today because I didn’t see an ad in the Village Voice and was told that the series was yanked a few weeks ago. In a word…BUMMER!! First I want to say to the person or people responsible at the Paris for taking the time to put this series together…thank you!! I wanted it to last longer, but I knew it wouldn’t. And in all fairness, I was only able to make it to one screening of ‘North By Norhtwest’, but I was hoping to see more, and beleive me I was really upset about missing ‘2001: A Space Odyssey’ in 70mm. Not to be negative, but this type of entertainment isn’t very popular anymore and that is very unfortunate. Especially here in ‘the arts capital of the world’ (oh really?). L. A. and even San Francisco has more film revival than New york currently does. Not that long ago film revival theaters were the norm in New York City and was something that I completely and thoroughly enjoyed. There were so many of them out there with crazy amazing scedules. There is nothing like seeing a classic film, or any film for that matter up on the big screen the way it was meant to be seen. All those moments when I was sick of this town, I would always say ‘hey..where are you going to go where they have the same amount of film revival as New York?’. I still get sick of this town, but I am still here miraculously. There is still film revival here, but not like it used to be. Thanks again Paris Theater people for giving it a try.

evmovieguy commented about Paris Theatre on Aug 17, 2005 at 4:08 pm

damn! that Renault is a hot lookin car!

evmovieguy commented about Film Forum on Aug 17, 2005 at 1:41 pm

Preach it Brother Vincent!

I missed ‘Rebel Without A Cause’ and ‘2001: A Space Odyssey’ (in 70mm!!) at The Paris. There was a great screening of ‘The Band Wagon’ there also a few years ago.

Screen size can be a problem at FF. In the theater where they were showing “Gang’s All Here” it was so packed that we had to sit in the back 6 rows or so. Seemed like the screen was a mile away. But regardless of the minor problems with Film Forum it is still a great place. I’ll be there for ‘Once Upon A Time In the West’. Hopefully The Paris wil continue it Saturday Midnight series with some wide-screen stuff.

evmovieguy commented about Film Forum on Aug 17, 2005 at 3:21 am

Hey Vincent-

I think the last time I saw a classic film in a great wide-screen room os when ‘The Wild Bunch’ had a revival screening a few years back at the Lincoln Square Loews Cineplex. I also recently saw ‘North By Northwest’ at The Paris. Shown in Vista Vision not ‘Scope. Would love to see a film there in 'Scope.

evmovieguy commented about Film Forum on Aug 15, 2005 at 7:47 pm

Yeah, the old Watts St. Film Forum was great. the theaters and the screens were much bigger. Not to take anything away from the Houston St. Film Forum mind you. I remember seeing Godard’s ‘Two or Three Things I Know About Her’ at the old Film Forum. It was in Cinemascope (or a comparable format) and the image was huge. Same for all the other ‘Scope stuff they showed there. The Sci-Fi and Fantasy Festivals were great as well. Speaking of not being able to get the same experience on home video, how about all these great films I saw at the FF Sci-Fi and Fantasy’s LSD Week. “The Big Cube” Lana Turner on acid! “Skidoo” Jackie Gleason on acid!!!!! “Taking Off” Buck Henry high on dope (ok that’s not too surprising). What do these films have in common? You cannot go out and rent them. MAYBE 'Skidoo’ is available in a bootleg or foreign release, but in general these films are hard to come by.

evmovieguy commented about Film Forum on Aug 15, 2005 at 7:02 pm

Yankee Mike-

I agree with you. While their repertory schedule is decent it’s a bit on the inconsistent side. They need to bring back some of the programming they used to have. For some reason I remember more classic Holywood films and more sort of ‘off the beaten path’ Hollywood and foriegn stuff in the past at FF. I was at the 7pm “Gang’s All Here”/“Cobra Woman” screening last night (Sunday) and it was completely sold out. I know “Gang’s” is a hard one to come by and that’s probably why there was such a good turn out, but since the early 90s New York has lacked good repertory film programing. It used to happen all the time, now it just comes in waves and it’s dry until you get a Michael Powell festival at Walter Reade or a ‘Before the Code’ or a rare one like “Gang’s All Here” at Film Forum. Back in the day you had Thalia Soho & Uptown, The Regency, The Biograph, Cinema Village, Theater 80 St. Mark’s, The Public Theater, Bleecker Street Cinema, etc. all showing repertory. What happened?? Yeah..I know…home video, but does home video and DVD really replace the experience of seeing a film on the big screen? No way.
New York’s film schedule should be more active than it is these days. If the screening at Film Forum last night is any indication, there is still an audience who would go out and pay for good revival film here in the city.

evmovieguy commented about Paris Theatre on Aug 5, 2005 at 2:26 am

What’s the deal with the Saturday midnight shows? ‘North By Northwest’ has been held over for a third week. It’s doing that well? The night I was there it was a good crowd, but it wasn’t sold out. Are these guys having trouble getting a new film to show, or is NxNW doing that well? I’m chompin at the bit to see another film there.

evmovieguy commented about Loew's Jersey Theatre on Aug 2, 2005 at 11:59 pm

Here’s my two cents on a possible program schedule for the Loews Jersey in the upcoming season. Do a weekend of all classic Rock and Roll films. Like:

‘Help!’ and/or ‘Hard Day’s Night’-Beatles

‘The Girl Can’t Help It’-Jayne Mansfield, Tom Ewell w/Little Richard, Gene Vincent, Eddie Cochran, etc.

‘Loving You’ Elvis Presley (his first color film. ‘Jailhouse Rock’ might be a more obvious choice, but Loews Jersey showed that last season)

Another good choice might be ‘Mr. Rock and Roll’ with Alan Freed

Hey Loews Jersey staff…are you listening? Check it out. Let’s rock out at the Loews Jersey!!!

evmovieguy commented about Loew's Jersey Theatre on Jul 29, 2005 at 8:53 pm

For Jim,

Here’s another comparison-

Top grossing films 1948 (I could only find top 5):
The Red Shoes
The Road to Rio
Easter Parade
Red River
The Three Musketeers

Top grossing films 1968:
The Graduate
Guess Who’s Coming To Dinner
Gone With the Wind (re-release)
Bonnie & Clyde
Valley of the Dolls
The Odd Couple
Planet of the Apes
Rosemary’s Baby
The Jungle Book
Yours, Mine, Ours

I haven’t seen any of the 1948 films so I can’t judge, but I have seen most of the ‘68 films, which at first glance of that list ain’t too shabby at all. Compare that one to 2004!

What would a fictitious top grossing list for 2024 look like? Number one would probably be a feature starring the offspring of Britney Spears followed by a feature starring Paris Hilton in her 3rd Academy Award nominated performance.

evmovieguy commented about Loew's Jersey Theatre on Jul 29, 2005 at 6:08 pm

Jim-your point about the films reflecting the morals of today’s audiences is well taken. The films that people go out and see and give their money to truly the reflect the culture at large. I think that is one of the most important aspects of film as history.

I haven’t looked at what the top films were of the 40s. I’m sure you’re right, they probably are great films. I’m not so quick to bash the filmmakers of the 1960s and early 70s though. That was a fertile period for some great films when alot of the old guard at the studios were at a loss for their next move and handed over creative control to alot of the up and coming filmmakers of the time like Coppola, Scorcese, Lucas, Dennis Hopper, etc. See the book ‘Easy Riders, Raging Bulls’.

The begining of the end with conglomorates gaining steam for me would be the mid-70s with ‘Jaws’. Although ‘Jaws’ is a great film it certainly was the first of the so-called Summer Blockbusters that paved the way, giving studios ‘creative license’ to make their product worse not better.

evmovieguy commented about Loew's Jersey Theatre on Jul 29, 2005 at 4:39 pm

Brian-I agree with youon a certain level about box office grosses. True, the top films aren’t always classics. Same goes for the Oscar (Whoopi Goldberg, best supporting actress for ‘Ghost’?….What??!!) I guess the point I was making more specifically was that films coming out of Hollywood 35 years ago not only had more depth, they were accepted and consumed by the GENERAL public. People were still interested in movies that said….‘something’! Could you see a film like ‘Bob, Carol, Ted, and Alice’ making that kind of buzz in today’s market? Or even a film that was a quasi-anti Vietnam statement like ‘MASH’? It’s not the same today. I can’t see much argument in the fact that today’s movie making and movie going is definitely dumbed-down, and it’s probably going to continue that way.

evmovieguy commented about Loew's Jersey Theatre on Jul 29, 2005 at 4:00 pm

Will Dunklin (your full name…wow, how cool!)

Your statement sums up alot of what is wrong with society today, that being if you make a comment that disagrees with the status quo, you must be crazy. Forget Prozac, you need to be DE-programmed my friend.

Look, let’s not kid ourselves here. The product Hollywood churns out these days by-and-large DOES suck. Sure, you’ve got a ‘Lord of the Rings’ here and there, but ‘cmon. Vincent, movies are as good today as they’ve ever been? What kool-aid are you drinkin’? We’ve got at least a half-dozen remakes out there on the market today. Not to mention a Deuce Bigalow sequel (figure that one out). You’re telling me that’s as good as it’s ever been?

Here are the top grossing films for 1970

Bob and Carol and Ted and Alice
Hello, Dolly!
Cactus Flower
On Her Majesty’s Secret Service
The Reivers

Here are the top grossing films for 2004

Shrek 2
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
Spider-Man 2
The Incredibles
The Passion of the Christ
The Day After Tomorrow
Meet the Fockers
Ocean’s Twelve
I, Robot

Can’t wait to see the top grossers of ‘05. 'Dukes of Hazzard’ number one perhaps?

evmovieguy commented about Walter Reade Theater on Jul 24, 2005 at 4:12 pm

I think the Film Forum does better with the retro screenings. Not only is it a ‘downtown’ crowd that’s more into that stuff, they have way better advertising than the Walter Reade. I wanted to see one or two of the Bing films, particularly the one that has alot of cocktails in it (forgot the title). Walter Reade did well with the Michael Powell series that ran earlier this summer. I was only able to see two of those-‘Thief of Bagdhad’ and ‘Black Narciscus’. Both had good crowds. As far as Film Forum and retro stuff, I wish they would bring back the ‘LSD Week’ series that ran during their annual ‘Science Fiction & Fantasy’ festivals. They discontinued it a few years back which sorta has me scratchin my head. Would be great if they could start doing those again.