Comments from MPol

Showing 101 - 125 of 1,295 comments

MPol commented about REMEMBERING CINERAMA (Part 53: San Jose) on Jun 15, 2012 at 9:27 pm

Oh…I forgot about “2001: A Space Odyssey”. I saw that when it first came out, and several times thereafter. A good, well-done film, but the last time I saw it, I’d forgotten how freaky that film was.

MPol commented about REMEMBERING CINERAMA (Part 53: San Jose) on Jun 15, 2012 at 2:29 pm

I never saw any of the above-mentioned films, except for “It’s a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World”, back in the early 1960’s, when it first came out. I loved it, but it’s not a film that I’d see more than once.

MPol commented about Celebrating the Original STAR WARS on its 35th Anniversary on May 25, 2012 at 8:50 pm

Yup! I, too remember seeing Star Wars when it first came out, back in the summer of 1977, here in Boston, at the now-defunct Charles Cinema. It was a family outing, and we all enjoyed it. I hope to see it again, if and when it comes to our neck of the woods for its 35th Anniversary.

MPol commented about Ziegfeld Theatre on May 15, 2012 at 8:19 pm

Oh, my god! Ouch! Even though I don’t live in NYC, or even in the NY-NJ-CT area, I sincerely hope that the Ziegfeld stays open. That’s a beautiful theatre! I saw a revival of the film version of West Side Story with my cousin there six years ago..and we both had a ball. It was a beautiful print, and everybody enjoyed themselves and had a lovely time, including me and my cousin.

MPol commented about Tim League Discusses Texting Debate on CNN on May 8, 2012 at 4:33 pm

Like what exceptions, Peter? I’m just curious, because there’s got to be something that could be done to prevent this kind of rude abuse on the part of patrons of movies theatres, because they spoil it for those who came just to see the movie.

MPol commented about Highland Park closes movie theater on May 8, 2012 at 4:29 pm

It’s too bad that the Highland Park Theatre had to be closed due to fire/safety violations, but public safety must take priority here. What’s unfortunate is that the proprietors of the movie theatre could not or would not take the necessary steps to update the fire/safety rules and bring the building up to code in that regard.

MPol commented about Tim League Discusses Texting Debate on CNN on May 6, 2012 at 10:16 pm

Israel has had a system in place for years that causes people’s cellphones, pagers, etc., to jam up when they attempt to use them in public places such as movie theatres, restaurants, etc. Sometimes, I wonder if something like this wouldn’t be a bad idea here in the United States.

MPol commented about Tim League Discusses Texting Debate on CNN on May 4, 2012 at 2:26 am

I totally agree with you, JodarMovieFan. The fact that a lot of texting, cell-phone use and talking does go on in movie theatres during movies is one of the things that has all but killed the movie business, kept people from going to movie theatres and increased the home entertainment business. Sad indeed. If more movie theatre owners/proprietors would get tough on people who were rude enough to text/talk during movies, things would be a whole lot better.

MPol commented about Movie trailers become a main event on Apr 23, 2012 at 11:53 am

This is unfortunate, because movie trailers, especially nowadays, give away much too much about the film(s) that are being trailered. Not fair.

MPol commented about Metro Twin on Apr 9, 2012 at 10:25 pm

How cool! I hope all of you New Yorkers enjoy the Alamo DraftHouse when it moves in! If there could only be an Alamo Drafthouse coming to Boston!

MPol commented about Wal-Mart threatening Cottage View Drive-In on Apr 9, 2012 at 10:22 pm

That’s very true, KenLayton. However, in this case, it sounds as if WalMart is about to stick the final nail into this drive-in theatre’s coffin. Disgusting! WalMart has forced too many independent mom and pop businesses to go under. It’s a community killer.

MPol commented about Orpheum Theatre on Mar 31, 2012 at 3:09 pm

That looks like it was a beautiful theatre, and it has tremendous potential. Here’s hoping that it’s all renovated and ready for use and enjoyment.

MPol commented about Ioka Theater on Mar 18, 2012 at 6:03 am

I may not live in the area, but I do hope that the Ioka Theatre can be re-opened and saved as a movie theatre. I live roughly an hour or two south of Exeter, NH, and, as a moviegoer, it sounds like a great idea. I wish the townspeople the best of luck and victory in their fight to save the Ioka.

MPol commented about As many as 20% of theaters to close due to digital conversion on Mar 9, 2012 at 9:29 pm

The more independent movie theatres are driven out of business due to not being able or willing to convert to digital, the worse off we’ll all be, on the long run. It would be a shame if the only two independent, non-profit movie theatres in our neck of the woods closed, because there’d only be the antiseptic-looking multiplexes that dot the USA’s highways and byways, which overcharge for movies and concessions, have rude audiences, and show the schlockiest movies on earth.

MPol commented about Thieves strike Palace Theatre on Mar 1, 2012 at 7:07 pm

A sad story it is, indeed! It’s disgusting and disgraceful that people can do stuff like that, especially ripping off a movie theatre that exists for everybody’s enjoyment. I hope they catch the thieves and they’re sent to jail for a long time.

MPol commented about Of manners, movies and the sorry state of spectatorship on Feb 16, 2012 at 5:40 pm

I read the Post Article, along with the comments that preceded it, and it’s really disgusting, the way people often behave in movie theatres. I wish there were ushers to throw troublemakers out.

MPol commented about Programming downsides in Michigan town on Feb 8, 2012 at 6:13 pm

That’s really strange, indeed! The fact that two local movie theatres in Jackson, MI are showing the same movies almost defies belief. Why not open at least one of the movie theatres, or at least one or two screens of each movie theatre to other, more varied types of films so that people will have more options? That, imho, would be a fairer way to do it.

MPol commented about Avalon Cinema demolished on Jan 28, 2012 at 11:17 am

This is quite sad, indeed. The Avalon Cinema looks like it was a beautiful theatre, both inside and out. Another one bites the dust.

MPol commented about Boston movie palace exhibit on Jan 28, 2012 at 11:15 am

Hmmm….sounds like an interesting show!

MPol commented about Volunteer caretakers prevent the Uptown Theatre from crumbling on Jan 6, 2012 at 10:58 am

What a beautiful-looking theatre!

MPol commented about Oscars academy to build outdoor theater in Hollywood on Dec 30, 2011 at 1:38 am

It sounds like a cool idea! I hope it works out! Here’s wishing they’d do a similar thing here in the Bay State, for indoor and outdoor films that’re only for classic films.

MPol commented about The End of Theatrical Moviegoing? on Dec 28, 2011 at 9:59 pm

The last four sentences in your post say it all, in a nutshell, DavidDyamic! That’s especially true of the last sentence in your post! Thanks for making some points that’re well taken.

MPol commented about French art house shuts its doors in protest on Dec 28, 2011 at 9:49 pm

An art-house cinema shutting its doors in protest??!? That’s interesting…albeit a little bit scary. One doesn’t have to be in the theatre/cinema business to agree that this kind of tactic is just helping the Big multiplexes continue to do what they’ve done all along; driving most of the smaller, more independent movie theatres out of business altogether.

On the other hand, maybe it’s not half-bad that the multiplex cinemas are beginning to play some art-house movie fare in their own cinemas, given the schlock that they play most of the time. It’s a breath of fresh air, maybe!

MPol commented about Happy Holidays from Cinema Treasures on Dec 24, 2011 at 8:19 pm

Happy Holiday and a Happy New Year to you guys! Thanks for another wonderful year. Hope to see more of your good work for the New year and forever more. All the best!

MPol commented about AMC Theatres Policy Trailer (2005) on Dec 20, 2011 at 5:57 pm

That’s a good one!