Many Brussels Cinemas added to Cinema Treasures

posted by HowardBHaas on December 14, 2007 at 9:45 am

Earlier this month, I found only 15 Belgium cinemas on this website, of which 7 were in Brussels. So, I added 13 Brussels cinemas, many still open as arthouses near the Grand Place. Ken Roe added 9, historic, but almost all closed, cinemas from his 1995 visit. Ken added the PLAZA (1928 Spanish Baroque) with its linked photos showing it as a gorgeous hotel banquet hall, which I visited. I added the MOVY-CLUB (1934 blend of Art Deco & modernism, still single screen cinema) and discovered a 1950’s Atomium era cinema, AUDITORIUM SHELL, long closed and functioning as an auditorium, has been reopened for movies while the building housing the MUSEE DE CINEMA is refurbished.

Here are the others that I added, all but one still showing daily movies:
Actor’s Studio (arthouse)
Aventure (from 1960’s, movies)
Arenberg-Galeries (Art Deco, arthouse)
Nova (vaudeville, now arthouse)
Kladaradach Palace (1913, later Art Deco, now nightclub)
Styx (1970’s, arthouse)
Flagey (arthouse)
Le Stockel (mainstream & arthouse)
Vendome (arthouse)
UGC-Toison d'Or (megaplex, mainstream)

Ken also added these historic, closed cinemas (current uses in parenthesis):
Aegidium (1905 theater, Moorish, closed)
Albert Hall (1932 Art Deco, closed)
Crystal (1933, closed)
Forum (1921, furniture store)
Leopold Palace (1921, hardware store)
Marivaux 7 (1913, film studio)
Scala (divided up & incorporated into UGC-de-Brouckere)

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