Comments from Ali Ismail

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Ali Ismail
Ali Ismail commented about Paris Pullman Cinema on May 13, 2013 at 4:31 pm

I used to visit this cinema when I was a university student in the 1970s. I was going through an exceptionally difficult time at the time and the atmosphere and general ambience of the place was like a little star for me.

I saw Eraserhead, Dark Star and Aguirre Wrath of God here.

Ali Ismail
Ali Ismail commented about Classic Praed Street on Jul 24, 2011 at 4:37 pm

I worked as a relief manager at this cinema under ‘Lucky Perera.’ It showed soft porn such as Emmanuelle in Tokyo. This was in 1979-1980.

Ali Ismail
Ali Ismail commented about Cannon Royal Cinema on Jul 22, 2011 at 10:34 am

I was a junior manager when Ray Price was the manager during 1979-1980. It was (in)famous for the all-night screenings which attracted the most amazing collection of knights of the road and bag ladies. The smell was terrible and I fully believe the account of urinating in the seats.

Somebody told me that it was called ‘Royal’ after the visit of a royal personage in earlier days.

While being stationed at the Eros, Piccadilly, Classic Cinemas sometimes made me the night relief manager.

Sometimes the staff sprayed disinfectant into the air – it was needed!

Ken was the daytime attendant and earlier a Mr Timbou was the night manager.

The tea/coffee and biscuits were dispensed from a kiosk at the back.

Ali Ismail
Ali Ismail commented about Cannon Moulin Complex on Jun 24, 2011 at 8:02 am

I was a junior manager at this cinema from 19th January 1979 to 10th May 1980.

This film theatre was chock full of amazing personalities with the senior manager George park in charge.

I am immensely grateful to the company for giving me this position and the experience that went with it and for putting up with me.

The management, the projectionists, the attendants and other staff such as Hazel the intervals ice cream vendor were highly memorable.

Thank you Moulin Cinema Complex.