Comments from cblanc10708

Showing 17 comments

cblanc10708 commented about Pelham Picture House on Jul 9, 2016 at 10:10 pm

I attended a screening of The Secret Life of Pets tonight. The place was packed. I’m so happy to see this place thrive.

cblanc10708 commented about Regency Theatre on Aug 30, 2013 at 4:40 pm

Does anyone have a copy of an old film program from the Regency that can be scanned and emailed to me.. Thanks

cblanc10708 commented about Symphony Space/Leonard Nimoy Thalia Theatre on Aug 30, 2013 at 4:38 pm

I was wondering if anyone has an old Thalia Theater program that can be scanned and emailed to me. Thanks

cblanc10708 commented about Theatre 80 St. Marks on Apr 10, 2013 at 6:45 pm

Digital projection. not sure if its from behind the screen..

cblanc10708 commented about Theatre 80 St. Marks on Apr 10, 2013 at 11:53 am

I attended a screening from the Take Two Film Festival at Theater 80 this past weekend. I had not been there since 1994 when they stopped showing films. It was like no time had passed at all. What a splendid evening. Please show more films if possible.

cblanc10708 commented about Theatre 80 St. Marks on Apr 10, 2013 at 11:50 am

Does anyone have any old film programs from Theater 80 when they were running films. Would gladly pay for any copies or even if it can be scanned. thanks. Charles, Westchester NY

cblanc10708 commented about Pelham Picture House on Jun 29, 2011 at 10:18 am

I only wish more people would support the Picture House by attending more often. Everytime I go there whether its on a Saturady night or during the week. I only see a handful of people. The administration is doing their utmost by showing different films each week and the theater with the renovations is really a nice place to visit. Its too bad the community is so snobbish that they can’t even appreciate the place.

cblanc10708 commented about Loew's Jersey Theatre on Jun 27, 2011 at 9:02 am

Does anyone know if the theater is presently closed for the remainder of the summer. I have tried emailing them as well as leaving a message on their recording and no one responds.

cblanc10708 commented about Pelham Picture House on Jan 29, 2011 at 12:48 pm

They have a new website

cblanc10708 commented about Pelham Picture House on Dec 8, 2009 at 11:05 am

The management of The Picture House has announced that the theater will undergo renovations beginning in the Spring of 2010 and will be closed for appx 4 months. Cant wait to see what it will look like. New seats, carpeting, expanded lobby and much more..

cblanc10708 commented about Walter Reade Theater on Sep 5, 2008 at 10:22 am

The Walter Reade just had an 11 film tribute to Charlton Heston. I saw Omega Man, Soylent Green, Will Penny, and Earthquake.

All studio archived prints so the quality was exceptional expecially Will Penny (new Print) and Earthquake..vibrant colors..

cblanc10708 commented about Pelham Picture House on Jul 7, 2008 at 11:27 am

I visit the Picture House whenever I can.. The people who work there as well as the patrons are of the caliber that makes you want to go there, rather than listen to the tasteless banter of the types that frequent the more bustling multiplexes. The days of the neighborhood movie house are gone and the Pelham Picture House is one of the last of the remaining single screens in New York. I hope they are able to achieve their goal and renovate this place into a cultural film facility.. Money is tight right now..

cblanc10708 commented about Scarsdale Plaza Theatre on Jun 13, 2008 at 10:45 am

I worked as an usher there during the summer of ‘85.. the films were dirt cheap, and the place was always packed on the weekends.. There were the usual problems with pest control.. Rats in the cellar, etc,

It had a huge staircase leading to the balcony..overall one of the last symbols of enjoyable moviegoing that has long vanished.. in favor of the big, noisy multiplexes..

cblanc10708 commented about Parkway Theatre on Jun 13, 2008 at 10:35 am

The Parkway Theater in the ‘70s and 80s was primarily a second run house, with films coming there after their initial engagements elsewhere..

The price of admission was lower, naturally and the theater was not particularly memorable, except for the fact that the patrons thermselves changed over the years.. lots of rowdy kids, who truly ruined the pleasure of going to the movies here. espcially in what was a really nice neighborhood.. Now its garbage..the good old days are gone..

cblanc10708 commented about Picture House Bronxville Theatre on Jun 13, 2008 at 10:27 am

This theater was converted into a triplex in 1980. During the 1970s, I remember this as a very large single screen theater, with the curtain rising and lowering at each performance. Some of the notables films shown here were

Earthquake (1974) in sensurround..This audio gimmick really worked..I still remember the incredible feeeling of actually being in an earthquake.

JAWS (1975)..This film ran for months.. lines around the block..

The Hindenburg (1975)
Other Side of the Mountain (1975)
2001: A Space Odyssey – ‘74 reissue
The Airport films, especially Airport '77.. (the best one..)

And this theater also had double features occaisionally.. I saw The Sting and Other Side of the Mountain Part 2 back in (1978) for $2.. Unbelievable..

cblanc10708 commented about Fine Arts Cinema on Dec 7, 2007 at 3:40 pm

This was one of the best film showplaces in Westchester. it last for over 30 years and I am so sorry to see it go. The time in whic we are living as far as film exhibition is concerned is a travesty when theaters of this sort are allowed to fall by the wayside in favor of noisy dirty multiplexes that attract in large part the most undesirable elements. I avoid multiplexes

This theater showed many foreign films and independent fair as well. I remember seeing The Lacemaker in 1977, when I was 11 years old. I was with my father, who had to accompany me to this this one. Among my favorite films at this theater were Das Boot (1982), Kurosawa’s RAN (1985), Woody Allen’s CRIMES & MISDEAMENORS (1989), CINEMA PARADISIO (1989) and so much more… ANother footnote, the very last week of this theater’s existense, the manager ran THE LAST PICTURE SHOW and CINEMA PARADISIO at no charge. FREE.. The Day The Movies Died.. happened when they closed this theater..

cblanc10708 commented about Embassy 1 Theatre on Mar 14, 2007 at 11:26 am

I saw the reissue of The Ten Commandments at the Enmbassy in 1984. I was just finishing my last year in HS, and you can imagine the thrill of experiencing this film in a theater with a New York audience. I was so taken by it, that I actually skipped classes for one day to go into the city and see it again. The parting of the red sea and the receiving of the commandments are two of the greatest scenes ever captured on film, despite the technical advancements today, they will never improve on the sheer impact of those scenes.