Comments from TomCarlino

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TomCarlino commented about Rockne Theatre on Dec 23, 2005 at 4:11 am

The Rockne had two apartments in the building and I lived there from the mid-sixties to the mid-seventies. Growing up in a building like that was awesome and a lot of my relatives worked there. I remember seeing Sonny and Cher being usherd in the back door to play there to avoid the crowds out front We all watched from the fire escape in the alley. I watched so many great movies like all of the Clint Eastwood spaghetti westerns and the planet of the apes movies as well as the pink panther movies with Peter Sellers. Towards the close of the the theater I also worked there and would come in afetr hours with my band and play in the acoustically beautiful auditorium.
What a time I had in those years.