Majestic Cinema

Campbell Place,
Stoke-on-Trent, ST4 1LX

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Previously operated by: Associated British Cinemas Ltd.

Architects: R.T. Longton

Nearby Theaters

ABC Majestic Cinema

Located in the Staffordshire Potteries town of Stoke-on-Trent. The Majestic Cinema was opened on 13th April 1914. Seating was provided for 800 in the stalls and 200 in the circle. The interior of the building was decorated in Wedgewood style. The cinema also contained a café and ballroom.

The Majestic Cinema was taken over by the Associated British Cinemas(ABC) chain on 9th December 1929. It was equipped with a Western Electric(WE) sound system in 1930 and alterations were made to enlarge the building and the seating capacity was increased to 1,600. The ballroom became a dance studio, and the basement became a nightclub in the 1940’s.

In June 1955 it was equipped with CinemaScope, the first film screened in that process was “Brigadoon” starring Gene Kelly. The Majestic Cinema was closed on 30th November 1957 with Deborah Kerr in “Tea and Sympathy”.

The building was demolished in 1959 and a F.W. Woolworths store was built on the site in 1960.

Contributed by Ken Roe

Recent comments (view all 1 comments)

David Rayner
David Rayner on February 20, 2016 at 7:20 am

Following its demolition in 1959, a new F.W. Woolworths store was built on the site and that opened in March, 1960. The store still stands, but is now a Bargain Buys outlet.

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