Colonial Theatre

313-17 Hamilton Street,
Allentown, PA 18101

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Previously operated by: Fabian Theaters, Wilmer & Vincent Corp.

Architects: Paul J. Henon, Jr., William H. Hoffman

Firms: Hoffman-Henon Co.

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News About This Theater

Colonial Theatre

The Colonial Theatre was opened October 11, 1920 by the Wilmer & Vincent Corp. chain. It opened with Clarine Seymour in “The Idol Dancer”. It was closed in 1982, and was unfortunately razed in March of 2005.

Contributed by Ross Melnick

Recent comments (view all 18 comments)

teecee on July 7, 2005 at 3:00 am

An Estey organ, opus 1843, was installed in this theater in 1920.

RJS on September 14, 2005 at 3:45 am

The zip code for this theater should be updated to 18101.
This theater was sold by UA in the late 1980’s and the new owner did nothing with it except lock the doors. It pretty much stood empty and totally unused and not maintained until the city started cracking down because it was falling into disrepair.
The owner made a few roof repairs around 2000, but then stopped because he lacked the proper permits for the type of work being completed.
For at least 5 years city engineers kept saying the building was in danger of collapse, but it just kept on standing. After many court battles, the city began demolition March 2005. I drove by in August and an empty lot remains. The location is directly to the west of the old Lehigh County courthouse.

hondo59 on March 21, 2006 at 5:02 am

The demolition company said that they were going to save the “Colonial” marquee script and give it to the city.

RJS on March 23, 2007 at 2:58 pm

Here is a 1990 image of the Colonial in Allentown.

View link

melbatoast60 on July 16, 2007 at 5:05 am

There was a huge rehearsal hall on the third floor (I think it was the third). In the 70’s when I was a teen I sang with a local Up With People group and we rehearsed there.

skipfusion on August 1, 2010 at 5:43 am

Well, here it is, if anybody wants to see it. I guess it is maybe the best way of seeing how truly horrible the condition of the building had gotten, so if there was any doubt in your mind whether it should be torn down, this’ll put a rest to it. The theater is hard to see, it was not only dark, but we were hanging onto a metal ladder than came down from the projection booth. The floor was invisible and sounded like a small lake had formed at the bottom. I tried to boost the levels to make it more visible and in the process got carried away with editing…now it looks like some cheap Ghost Hunters knock-off. Oh well, it still gives me the chills.

DjFlip on February 8, 2012 at 10:03 pm

WOW sad to hear the theater was destroyed (taken down) and no one did anything to save (restore) it. This building should have became a piece of history.. I also want to add that the info about it being closed since 1982 is incorrect and I am sure of that because in 1984 I saw the movie Breaking there.. Again, so sad to hear its demolition.. Just found out about the demolition because I been away from Allentown since 1992.. I love and miss Allentown so if any one knows a good site where I can download images, please let me know..

Dave Harding
Dave Harding on December 19, 2013 at 1:47 pm

Here is an article on what is planned for the site of the former colonial theater.,0,5123027.story

dallasmovietheaters on December 2, 2016 at 4:39 pm

Grand opening was October 11, 1920 with DW Griffith’s “The Idol Dancer” and Harold Lloyd’s “High and Dizzy”

rivest266 on April 22, 2017 at 1:20 pm

Grand opening ad in photo section and below.

Found on

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