Comments from curmudgeon

Showing 76 - 100 of 108 comments

curmudgeon commented about Forest Hill Cinema on Jan 21, 2017 at 2:13 am

Opened Saturday June 1st 1968 with attraction “Hurry Sundown” plus Vic Connor at the Hammond organ.

curmudgeon commented about Coronet Theatre on Oct 4, 2016 at 6:21 am

Thanks again Ken. Sounds very tacky, but at least the original auditorium remains under removable “improvements”. Don’t imagine any major musicals (Lion King/Phantom etc will transfer here anytime soon?

curmudgeon commented about Coronet Theatre on Oct 4, 2016 at 6:03 am

Thanks Ken, just a few more details. From your description this would indicate more a platform rather than a conventional stage. I imagine there is no proscenium, fly-tower or wing space with this configuration. Additionally, I imagine the original proscenium is no longer visible, which would be such a shame. Fond memories of seeing Gone With The Wind here in the 70’s.

curmudgeon commented about Coronet Theatre on Oct 4, 2016 at 1:35 am

I’m confused. If the second screen (now a live performance space) was built on the original stage, where exactly is the new stage of the larger auditorium? The “void in the front of the dress circle” Does this mean the dress circle has been extended to the original proscenium and a stage formed on this, or has seating been removed from the front section of the original dress circle and a stage created in this area? Any information to clarify this greatly appreciated.

curmudgeon commented about Comedy Theatre on Nov 9, 2015 at 4:21 am

Recently used as a venue for the Melbourne International Film Festival. Can anyone confirm where Digital Projector was located? Imagine it was probably in the circle as can’t imagine any semblance of a projection suite is still intact.

curmudgeon commented about Regal Cinema on Jul 10, 2015 at 9:13 am

What a wonderful proscenium. And looks as though it could have accommodated a ‘Scope screen without alteration. Any other unusual proscenium designs?

curmudgeon commented about Astor Theatre on Jun 29, 2015 at 7:49 am

Now taken over by the Palace Cinema chain. Was closed for a number of weeks following George Florenz’s expired lease. Closure was supposedly for renovations. While passing tonight I dropped in to see what upgrades had been made. Admittedly, only had access to foyer areas, but apart from removal of the totally inappropriate canopy over the circle candy bar, was hard pressed to see any improvement. Original box office now unused, along with 50’s ticket box (incidentally, attached to stalls concession stand) which now serves as ticket sales as well, along with bollards leading to this “convenience” that would put most garden mazes to shame. Peeling paint work, exposed cables, buckling wall displays. And don’t even get me started on the exterior. Admittedly those disgusting under awning led lights were installed before Palace Cinemas took over the lease, but HOW ON EARTH can they justify this bastardisation under their name branding? As for the famous neon Fin Light, until such time that restoration is actioned, please just TURN IT OFF. Hate to add to Palace Cinema’s profit, but keen to see if any renovations have taken place due to their claims of “restoring” this iconic building. Recent posts of elderly patrons in the stalls seems to indicate that seating has not been replaced, and most importantly, and sadly, previous lessee refused to acknowledge, installation of larger screen ruined sight-lines in the circle.

curmudgeon commented about Loew's State Theatre on Jun 21, 2015 at 11:35 am

hdtv267 Bit confused. Do you mean Times Square was MORE or LESS fun in the 70’s and 80’s? Must say I found it quite bland in 2007 compared to the 50’s, 60’s and 70’s images that fired my imagination to visit NY. Admittedly I didn’t experience the sleazy side, but the proliferation of Cinema and Theatre palaces, now sadly gone, made for a very sterile and disappointing area.

curmudgeon commented about Cineworld Cinema - Leicester Square on Jun 14, 2015 at 2:08 pm

One need look no further than the overview of this theatre to see the degrading bastardisation of this once grand building. Screens 4 and 5 created from spaces that had originally been toilet and green room spaces says it all.

curmudgeon commented about Adonis Theatre on May 9, 2015 at 10:02 am

Adonis, couldn’t agree more. Not restricted to NY however. Here in Melbourne Australia, EVERY single screen cinema (Downtown) has been demolished and only 2 multiplexes serve a city of over 4 million! Of course, multiplex complexes (sterile viewing rooms (sans screen tabs, and mostly with no masking) abound in the suburbs. Without our beautiful and brilliantly lit cinemas of old that attracted audiences from near and far with their outstanding Front Of House (marquee) enticements, exclusive runs and advance bookings, this city, at night,lacks the excitement and buzz that late night trading cannot compensate.

curmudgeon commented about Princess Theatre on May 7, 2015 at 9:31 am

Ahead of myself. Please read January “2017” for “Book Of Mormon” premiere.

curmudgeon commented about Princess Theatre on May 7, 2015 at 9:29 am

Pleased to announce theatre will close late July at conclusion of “Anything Goes” season for extensive renovations. Long overdue, but hopefully a new life for this much-loved and historic theatre. National tour of “Matilda” to re-open venue post renovation, and Australian premiere of “Book Of Mormon” to follow in January 2016.

curmudgeon commented about London Coliseum on Apr 28, 2015 at 9:03 am

A long shot. I had the honour of working for the ENO in the Box Office at the Coliseum in the mid ‘70’s. My name is John and I was on a working holiday visa from Australia when I was lucky enough to secure this dream job. My manager at this time – who I regretfully cannot recall his name – offered to approach Lord Harwood (ENO)to intercept on my behalf for a visa extension. Long story short, family commitments, un-requited love affair (sob) and sub standard accommodation saw me throw in the towel and return to Australia. Would love to contact anyone who may remember me from this time. I was sometimes called “Wombat” or “Possum” (no PC in those days!)and had to be reminded time and again that there was no “H” in reference to “La Belle Helene”.

curmudgeon commented about Kings Theatre on Feb 14, 2015 at 8:25 am

Hi Orlando. I’m also intrigued as to whether neon lighting was much used in the 1920’s era of the Kings. I agree with BobbyS, nothing equals the chaser bulbs to create an atmosphere of excitement and theatrical splendour. Here in Melbourne, Her Majesty’s Theatre is a true theatrical treat with the expanse of (energy efficient) chaser bulbs lighting up our theatrical district.

curmudgeon commented about Hoyts Forest Hill 6 on Jan 6, 2015 at 8:07 am

Bland, lifeless and one more reason to save $19.00 and watch a movie on your home set-up, with much improved sound. Can’t believe the new configuration didn’t include at least ONE large screen, but typically Hoyts relinquished space to retail, and all screens are small at best. Patronised 3 times now (just because I was in the shopping complex) and each time was the only audience member. Wonder why!

curmudgeon commented about Athenaeum Hall on Jan 6, 2015 at 7:53 am

Remember visiting this hall on a school excursion a number of times to see (boring) “educational documentaries”, while being thrilled by foyer daybills advertising what was screening on Fri/Sat nights. Probably a 16mm house, can’t imagine 35mm equipment ever being installed in this community hall, which, at the time, Doncaster was like the back-of-beyond, unlike the thriving community it is today. Sad though that this bluestone building was not preserved for historical listing and appreciation.

curmudgeon commented about Forest Hill Cinema on Jan 6, 2015 at 7:39 am

Dance school has moved out and “for lease” sign now prominent. Hate to think what will be the fate of this building – especially sad due to the functional stage that could accommodate many shows/functions/conferences etc.

curmudgeon commented about Ziegfeld Theatre on Dec 27, 2014 at 7:26 am

Hi Howard, was the crowd treated to some showmanship and the use of curtains?

curmudgeon commented about Odeon West End on Dec 16, 2014 at 10:01 am

Disgraceful! More history gone. Bet the proposed basement cinemas never eventuate.

curmudgeon commented about Paris Theatre on Dec 16, 2014 at 9:55 am

I simply loved this cinema when visiting NY a few years back. Superb presentation (along with Screen tabs that they actually used) Such an intimate and welcoming atmosphere, and a sense of real showmanship surviving So much more inviting than the cold and lifeless atmosphere I experienced at the Ziegfeld, with a blank screen and deathly silence being my first impression of this much praised theatre. Showmanship was absolutely zilch! Admittedly, I’m sure the Paris does not have the latest gimmicks ie 3D/Atmos/Imax/and every other hi-tech state-of-the-art (sic) gimmick that appeals so much to the pop-corn brigade, but the quality film that I saw (top class script, story, acting) was a feast in itself that needed no gimmicks to provide first class entertainment. It was also a pleasure to be seated amongst like-minded audiences who were so well behaved and enjoying a similar experience. I do hope that Paris staff will be vigilant and send disruptive audience members back to the multiplexes where they belong.

curmudgeon commented about Ziegfeld Theatre on Nov 11, 2014 at 9:58 am

HowardBHaas, do you think the present operators (I understand Bow Tie Cinemas programme, but not sure of current owners and operators) may suddenly take notice of the positive reaction of using curtains during the season of “Interstellar”, and return to consistent use of curtains that bring back (in a small way) a sense of “showmanship”? Here in Melbourne, I always try to support the cinemas that still retain (and use) the screen tabs. Nothing nicer than entering the auditorium and not being confronted by a blank white sheet, and more and more, no masking as well. Admittedly, I’m usually the last to leave after sitting through endless end credits, but always feel the closing of the curtains brings the experience of “going to a movie” to a satisfactory close.

curmudgeon commented about Ziegfeld Theatre on Nov 9, 2014 at 10:35 am

Why is the use of the curtains not a consistent policy? My experience of visiting this venue was one of “why bother” when I entered the auditorium to be confronted by a blank screen. As to all the techno-heads, the average cinema-goer would have no idea whether or not the image on the screen was 35mm/70mm/digital, so apart from a “very” limited number of “techno heads” will the average customer give a damn?. I found my visit to be one of disappointment, and cannot believe that so many are passionate for what is a very basic auditorium, with no consistency of offering “showmanship”.

curmudgeon commented about Embassy 1,2,3 Theatre on Jun 28, 2014 at 7:54 pm

A long way from New York, but can definitely confirm “Gigi. had a souvenir programme during its Roadshow engagement at the Metro Bourke St. in Melbourne, Australia in 1958.

curmudgeon commented about Hoyts Star Theatre on Jun 25, 2014 at 9:51 am

A superb and beautiful art moderne gem that ended its days as the “Hoyts Horror House” – screening exclusively films of the horror genre – specifically second run Hammer Studio fare. Surprisingly well maintained right up to closure, but the policy was a dismal failure. However, for the few of us that tried to support this lovely building despite the pathetic policy, the eeriness of being only 10 patrons in a 2,000 plus capacity cinema did add to the horror!

curmudgeon commented about Hoyts Chadstone on Jun 2, 2014 at 11:01 am

Due to even further expansion of the Chadstone Shopping Centre, all 17 screens will close shortly for a complete re-build. Expected 18-24 month closure to complete new structure.