Kitten Theatre

1026 Granville Street,
Vancouver, BC V6Z 1L2

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Previous Names: Golden Kitten Theatre

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Kitten Theatre

The Golden Kitten Theatre opened on Granville Street in 1971. It was a porno cinema which originally showed its movies on 16mm film. The theatre shortened its name to simply the Kitten Theatre in 1980. It closed in December 2004 and was demolished in 2005 to make way for a new retail building.

Contributed by Mark

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SnoozeKing on May 25, 2018 at 4:09 am

There was another porn theatre (called the Silver Kitten) elsewhere in BC, presumably owned by the same company. I visited the Golden Kitten exactly once (in ‘81) and was quite overcome by its reek of urine, feces and semen. I would imagine that the Silver Kitten and Venus Theatre (on Main Street) smelled just as badly. The Venus was named the Night and Day until 1975 or thereabouts; in its final years it probably should have been renamed the Crackhouse, because so many druggies went in there to get high while the movies ran.

ScreenClassic on May 27, 2018 at 3:29 pm

The Silver Kitten was located in Prince George and is likewise long gone.

SnoozeKing on July 27, 2021 at 4:05 am

In the mid-‘70s porn customers had three choices: the Kitten, the Eve (also on Granville) and the Venus. Later on the Fox on Main near Broadway ran porn for a while as did the Haida on Kingsway. The Internet ended all that.

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